Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I Samuel 3-8: Recognizing and Following the Spirit

Samuel didn't recognize the voice of the Lord at first because he hadn't been taught to "the ways of the Lord". However since he was living righteously and was humble, when Eli taught him that the voice he heard was the voice fo the Lord he believed him immeidately and obeyed the promptings. Likewise we must be learn to recognize the spirit inour lives and obey it's promptings. We must teach our children how to recognize the spirit. It is seldom a voice or a vision. It's much more like to be a simple thought or feeling that pierces our heart


Ever catch yourself thinking "if I could just have a dramatic vision like some of the prophets in the scriptures it would be so  much easier to believe"? Notice how those who are wicked never recognize the spirit - even when it's so obvious that it strikes them down (as it did with Laman and Lemuel). Alternately, those who are righteous recognize even the most subtle messages from the Lord. I think of the Nephites who heard the voice of God introducing his Son in 3 Nephi 11. Though they didn't understand at first, they heard the still small voice and it penetrated their hearts. We don't need Hollywood type manifestations of grandeur...just the warm love of He who created us.

We are repeatedly warned of kings and dictators in the scriptures. If they were to lead us in righteousness seeking God's will all would be fine. However, power corrupts and always leads eventually to wickedness. Until the Lord returns to the earth to lead a united kingdom in righteousness we should be leery of dictators.

The Israelites sought the honor of their fellow nations(the world) over honoring God. How often do we fall into the same trap. Being more concerned about being popular, being accepted, being successful, making money or seeking worldly pleasure over honoring God?

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