Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Elijah: A Balance of Humility and Boldness

Elijah is such a fascinating lesson in character. On the one hand he was so humble and submissive to the will of the Father that he spent three and a half years in solitude while depending on grace for his very sustenance. Yet when he was commanded to return and confront King Ahab he did so with boldness and righteous bravado the like of which are rarely recorded in the scriptures.

Likewise, we need to be humble and submissive yet willing to act with boldness when called upon. Decisive, immediate and passionate action that defend and honor the Savior and His gospel, that is the legacy of Elijah's mortal ministry.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

David and Bathsheba: A Cautionary Tale

Two big takeaways jumped out at me from this lesson: one quite expected and one not so much. First, this is a great cautionary tale of ALWAYS being vigilent against temptation. It doesn't matter how righteous we are or what great deeds we have accomplished, if we allow a 'chink in our armour of God', the adversary will tempt us. Don't flirt with danger...stay as far from the line as possible. The second takeaway was the power of repentance and seeing how Father in Heaven blesses and accepts us after repentance. David and Bathsheba marry and after the death of their illegitimate child they have a second son, Solomon. According to Matthew, Christ's lineage comes through Solomon, son of David and Bathsheba. What greater sign of forgiveness than to be honored with the lineage of the Savior!